Global Warming is the regular rise in the temperature of the lower atmosphere layer, as a result of the occurrence of many features such as the increase of "greenhouse gases" such as methane and carbon dioxide emission, toxic waste and deforestation.Greenhouses gasses act as a major cause of global warming .That is because then release a large amount of gases that effect the environment. These "greenhouse gasses" are produced by burning fossil fuels as a main energy source. When the emitted gasses are larger in quantity than atmosphere requirements of these gases, heat will be produced in the atmosphere which increase and accumulates yearly. In addition to this, deforestation is another important reason. That is because the presence of trees is very important in absorbing carbon dioxide from the air while cutting or burning these trees leads to release stored and locked carbon dioxide in trees in to the atmosphere.By this process, global warming is a serious problem for humans and the environment. Increase in atmospheric temperature leads to an increase of sea levels other natural, disasters, the ozone layer breaking down and human diseases such Malaria as a result of ice melting in frozen zones and drought in other areas.From all of these factors, I think humans can work to prevent global warming by decreasing greenhouses gass emission. This can be done by reusing and recycling items like papers and plastics and using clean and renewable energy sources like wind power.